The verse put forward regarding the misconception that violence against women is approved in Islam is the 34th verse of the chapter of Nisa. The expression in this verse is as follows: ” Men are the caretakers of women, as men have been provisioned by Allah over women and tasked with supporting them financially. And righteous women are devoutly obedient and, when alone, protective of what Allah has entrusted them with.And if you sense ill-conduct from your women, advise them first, if they persist, do not share their beds, but if they still persist, then discipline them gently. But if they change their ways, do not be unjust to them. Surely Allah is Most High, All-Great.”
Before the explanation of the verse, it should be stated that men in various parts of the world, regardless of religion, language or race differences, use violence against their wives even if they do not display an immoral attitude, and that Islam does not find this correct in any way, it is blamed and that these behaviors will be held accountable: “Give them food what you have for yourself, and clothe them by which you clothe yourself, and do not beat them, and do not revile them.”[1] “Only the benevolent ones treat women (the valuable ones value them); And those who do harm to them are evil people.”[2]
Some people focused on the word “beat them” part of the verse and concluded that violence against women is legitimate in Islam, without reading the whole verse mentioned above and researching the unclear parts.
The verse speaks of a specific matter between husband and wife. In the verse, it is explained in steps how a man should behave when a woman commits an immoral act. Allah has commanded Muslim men to follow these steps.
According to Islam, a man is responsible for both his wife and his children.[3] Therefore, in the lthe above verse, the first thing a man should do if he realizes that his wife is in an immoral attitude is to try to persuade her. If the method of persuasion does not cause any change in her and the woman still insists on the same immoral acts, it is ordered that the beds are separated between the man and the woman.
This commandment becomes clearer when considered since marriage begins in the bedroom. With the separation of the beds, some more time must pass so that the woman can understand the badness of her own behavior. If she still insists on continuing her immoral behavior despite this last measure, he is ordered to hit the woman. In this way, it is aimed not to punish the woman physically, but to see it as a symbolic deterrent.
Finally, the provision in the verse does not apply to a woman if a man displays an immoral attitude towards his wife. Because of the difference in physical strength between them, it does not seem feasible for Allah to order women like this.
[1] Abu Dawud, Nikah, 40-41
[2] Ibn Majah, Behaviour,3; Abu Dawud, Behaviour,6; Rikak,22; Itisam,3; Muslim, Akdiyah,11
[3] Men are the caretakers of women, An-Nisa,34