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Animal’s Right in Islam

These days, animal rights are brought to the agenda and enacted with the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights in 1978. On the other hand, from the very first days of Islam, it has brought some principles and measures regarding people’s relations with animals and their views, and has taken animal rights under religious and legal protection.

According to , The book of virtue,enjoying good manners, joining of the Ties of kinship,151

These days, animal rights are brought to the agenda and enacted with the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights in 1978. On the other hand, from the very first days of Islam, it has brought some principles and measures regarding people’s relations with animals and their views, and has taken animal rights under religious and legal protection.

According to Islam, the entire universe was created in a balance and order.[1] Human, animal, plant, and inanimates are elements that complement and support each other. The Qur’an announced that punishments will be applied to people who disrupt this order and that human beings are prohibited from such acts.[2]

The Prophet Muhammad(Peace and Blessing be upon him) recommended that animals should be treated with compassion in his words saying “ Be merciful to those on the earth and the One in the heavens will have mercy upon you.”[3] and forbade torture with the phrase “May Allah curse those who torture animals.”[4] Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) also prohibited killing animals for pleasure and destroying their nests and taking their eggs[5], cutting off a living animal’s limb[6], loading too much load to carry it or chatting on an animal unnecessarily[7], making animals fight[8], killing animals that do not harm [9] also negative interventions in the life rights of animals.

In Islam, it is allowed to kill poisonous and harmful animals such as snakes and scorpions, but they are also ordered to be killed without torture. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recommended that the slaughter of animals should be treated well (for food or sacrifice in daily life) and recommended also to be done skillfully with a sharp knife.[10] In Islamic sources, it is preferable not to slaughter the offspring in front of its mother, and to bring the male and female side by side during mating times, and sexual intercourse with animals is strictly prohibited.[11]

It is merciless to leave animals hungry and thirsty. The Prophet of Islam(PBUH) said that there will be no mercy for those who do not show mercy, told the following two examples to his Companions [12]: “A prostitute had once been forgiven. She passed by a dog panting near a well. Thirst had nearly killed him, so she took off her sock, tied it to her veil, and drew up some water. Allah forgave her for that.”[13] “A woman went to Hell due to imprisoning a cat in the house. She did not give it any food and did not let it go out and eat the insects on earth.”[14] Accordingly, in Islam, tormenting or showing mercy to animals is considered as an important issue that it can cause a person to enter Paradise or Hell.

[1] Al-Mulk/3-4
[2] Al-Baqarah/ 204-206
[3] Abu-Dawud, Kitab Al-Adab,58
[4] Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Abu Abdullah Son of Muhammed son of Hanbal Ash-Shayban, Musnad    Ibn Hanbal II,13
[5] Sahih Al-Muslim, “Selam”,148-150
[6] At-Tirmidhi, “Sayd” , 12
[7] Abu-Dawud, “Jihad” ,55
[8] Abu-Dawud, “Jihad” ,51
[9] Sahih Al-Muslim, “Jihad” ,127
[10] Sahih Al-Muslim, “Sayd”,57
[11]Tirmidhi, The book on legal punishments(Al-Hudud),24
[12] saw or met the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during his lifetime, while being a Muslim and were physically in his presence.
[13] Sahih Al-Muslim, The book of repentance ,155
[14] Al-Bukhari, The beginning of creation ; 17, Drinks,9; Al-Anbiya, 50 ; Sahih Al-Muslim, The book of virtue,enjoying good manners, joining of the Ties of kinship,151


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