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HomeCritical QuestionsHow Is Suicide Evaluated In Islam?

How Is Suicide Evaluated In Islam?

The men were sent to the world to know Allah and serve Him. A person tested in various subjects prepares his place in eternal life by what he does in this world. He shows his reaction to the tests by choosing options such as patience, gratitude, rebellion, and giving up. The end of the life of a person who commits suicide is the loss of strength of endurance against what happened to him and giving up. Islam forbids taking one’s life even though one is mentally stable.

Throughout history, human beings have somehow completed the process of birth, life, and death. How he lived in this process and how he spent his life are evaluated after death. There is no such thing as choosing the time, place, or family of a person’s birth, and only the Creator determines the way and time of death. God created man as the most honorable creature [1], gave him the right to live, but kept the authority to end it. In verse, “Certainly, we are the ones who give life and those who kill; We will be the last owner of everything.” [2] It has been stated that coming to life and leaving life depends on divine will.

While it is forbidden in Islam even to harm oneself with one’s hand [3], attempting to kill oneself or another person is unacceptable. In the 29th verse of Nisa Surah, Allah commanded, “… Don’t kill yourself….”. In the verse that follows; He warned, “Whoever does this by transgression and wrongdoing, we will put him in the fire, and this is very easy for Allah.” [4] Being subject to punishments and rewards mentioned in the verses is valid for people who are sane and conscious.

The reasons that drive a person to commit suicide are usually loneliness, worthlessness, financial problems, family conflict, violence, alcohol, and drugs. It is a human duty to remove a person from his difficult situation. Brotherhood is essential in the religion of Islam, which encourages cooperation, goodness, unity, and solidarity [5]. Every Muslim has to relieve the distress of a Muslim brother he sees in trouble [6], help his debt [7], and avoid harmful habits [8].

Patience against calamities is mentioned many times in Islamic sources. In the Qur’an, “Indeed you with a little fear and hunger; We will test it with a decrease in goods, lives, and fruits. Give good news to those who are patient! When a calamity befalls them, they say, “Verily, we belong to Allah, and to Him, we shall return.” These are for the bounties and mercy of their Lord and those who have reached the right path.” [9] Allah gave the good news to those who are patient. “How pleasant is the condition of the believer! All his works are good and profitable. This situation is not encountered in anyone other than a believer. If a believer is grateful when he receives a blessing, it will be good for him. That will be good for him if he is patient when in trouble” [10] Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also reminded the importance of being patient with calamities. In the case of a person who cannot endure hardships and desires death, advised praying “My God! Keep me alive as long as living is good for me. If death is good for me, take my life!” [11].

Throughout the history of humanity, many prophets have been sent, and although they are beloved servants of Allah, they have suffered many hardships. By giving some trouble even to these special servants he loves, Allah has shown humanity the world’s transience and that a place of endless beauty and trouble is only the home of the hereafter.

Troubles are like teachers who teach people to be patient and grateful. Reaching the endless beauties in eternal life is also a result of gaining Allah’s approval by struggling in this world without giving up and without giving up.

[1] Al-Isra/70

[2] Al-Hijr/23

[3] “Spend in the way of Allah; Do not endanger yourself with your own hands. Do good, surely Allah loves those who do good.” (Al-Baqarah/195)

[4] An-Nisa/30

[5] “Indeed, believers are brothers to one another.” (Hujuraat/10)

[6] Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Said: “A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim. He does not oppress him, does not do injustice, and does not hand him over to the enemy. Whoever meets the needs of his Muslim brother, Allah, will also meet his needs. Whoever removes a problem from a Muslim, Allah will remove one of his problems on the Day of Judgment. Whoever covers a Muslim’s faults, Allah will cover that person’s fault and fault.” (Bukhari, Mazalim 3; Muslim, Birr 58)

[7] “If (the debtor) is in trouble, it is necessary to give him a respite until he finds some relief. If you understand (the truth), you should count it as a charity (or zakat). (Al-Baqarah/280)

[8] “The believing men and women are guardians of one another. They enjoin the good and forbid the evil” (Surah At-Tawbah/71)

[9] Al-Baqarah/155-157

[10] Muslim, Zuhd, 64.

[11] Bukhari, Marda, 19