In the Qur’an, which is the primary source of Islam, and in reliable hadith sources, it has been repeatedly stated how Muslims should speak and what kind of speech they should avoid.[1]
It is even mentioned that the words that come out of the mouth can take a person to Paradise or Hell: “The servant (sometimes) utters a word that is per Allah’s consent without paying attention, and Allah raises his rank in Paradise because of it.
Again, the servant (sometimes) utters a word that causes Allah’s displeasure without paying attention, so Allah throws him down in Hell for seventy years.” [2]
In Islamic belief, it is believed that there are angels who watch and record everything a person does. [3] These angels also record the words that come from a person’s mouth every moment. Humans should feel responsible to their Creator, other people, and the body entrusted to them, as well as not being idle and unclaimed. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); “When the son of Adam comes in the morning, he greets all his organs and the tongue and says: Fear Allah about us. Because we are subject to you; if you are in the direction, we will be in the direction; if you go astray, we will go astray too!” [4]
The ways of speaking that can lead a person to disaster and which should be avoided can be summarized as follows, with examples from verses and hadiths:
-Lie: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) often emphasized the truth: “A Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand other Muslims are safe.” [5] Through these words, he considered truthfulness as one of the characteristics of a Muslim person. It is commanded in the Qur’an, “O you who believe! Fear Allah and speak the right words so that Allah will make your deeds righteous and forgive your sins.” [6]
-Gossip (backbiting): Regarding gossip, the following conversation between the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions [7] is reported: Prophet Muhammad asked: ‘Do you know what backbiting is?’ They said, ‘Allah and His Messenger know better.’ The Prophet said: ‘Backbiting is remembering your religious brother with something he dislikes.’ He was asked, ‘What do you think if the said shame is in my brother?’ ‘If he has what you said, you backbit; If not, you slandered him.” [8] Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also said, “It is enough for a person to report everything he hears as a lie.” [9], he reminds us that people can be mistaken when they hear it or the possibility of the narrator not conveying it correctly. Intervention to stop it in the backbiting environment, and even the person’s defense of the backbit person. It was recommended by Prophet Muhammad: “Whoever defends the chastity and honor of his (religious) brother against those who backbite him, Allah will protect him from Hell on the Day of Judgment.” [10]
– Talking too much and empty: People who talk a lot sometimes risk exaggerating and making things look different than they are. Sometimes silence is more effective than talking. Companions describing Prophet Muhammad said that he did not speak more than necessary. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) warned his ummah against empty talk: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should either speak well or remain silent.” [11] In the Qur’an, the believers refer to “Those who turn away from empty words and deeds.” [12]
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also informed that “It is also stated that talking too much without remembering Allah will harden the heart, and those with hard hearts are farthest from Allah [13]. In addition, except for those that encourage good, forbid evil, or remember Allah, every word spoken by people will bring harm, not benefit, to the person. It is another warning of Muhammad (PBUH) to his ummah.[14]
-Slander: To accuse someone of something they did not do is slander. The incident in which the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) counted slander as one of the seven significant sins is reported as follows: The Prophet once said: “Beware of the seven things that lead to destruction!” The Companions asked: ‘O Messenger of Allah, what are they?’ The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) replied: ‘Associating partners with Allah, using magic and witchcraft, killing a person whom Allah has forbidden to kill, eating interest, eating orphan’s property, escaping from war while attacking the enemy and to slander chaste Muslim women who are unaware of anything.” [15] Also, in the Qur’an, these verses draw attention to the importance of the subject, for instance, “Whoever commits a mistake or a sin deliberately and blames him on an innocent person, he has committed a great crime and a manifest sin.” [16] They are burdened with sin.” [17]
– Tale bearing (Namima): When a person takes an event that he heard from someone to another without investigating the accuracy of the news or knowing whether he will be pleased to hear it, he is carrying a word.This dangerous situation carries the risk of discord among people and is not welcomed in Islam. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Leaving what does not concern him (directly) is because a person is a good Muslim.”[18]
Many more ways of speaking and the things to be avoided are also explained in the Qur’an and hadiths. Some of them are talking by thinking and weighing [19], speaking nicely [20], not speaking loudly (shouting)[21], not ranting (not saying unnecessary words)[22], and not saying a word to apologize for the beginning[23], not to mock[24], not swearing[25].
[1] “Tell My servants to say the best word!” (Isra/53). “Whoever promises me to protect his chastity and chastity with his tongue between his two jaws, I will promise him Paradise.” (Bukhari, Rikak, 23)
[2] Bukhari, Rikak 23; Muslim, Zuhd 49; Tirmidhi, Zuhd 10
[3] “Not a word does a person utter without having a ‘vigilant’ observer ready ‘to write it down’.” (Qaf/18)
[4] Tirmidhi, Zuhd 61
[5] Muslim, Faith, 65
[6] Al-Ahzab/70-71
[7] Companions: A person who lived in the time of the Prophet
Muhammad and had conversations with him.
[8] Muslim, Birr 70. See also. Abu Dawud, Adab 35;
Tirmidhi, Birr 23
[9] Muslim, Muqaddimah 5
[10] Tirmidhi, Birr 20
[11] Tirmidhi, Doomsday 51, Bukhari, Adab, 31, 85
[12]Mu’minun /3
[13] Tirmidhi, Zuhd 62
[14]Tirmidhi, Zuhd 63
[15]Bukhari, Vasaya, 23; Tib, 48; Hudud, 44; Muslim,
Iman, 145
[17]Al-Ahzab/ 58
[18] Tirmidhi, Zuhd, 11
[19] Bukhari, Rikak, 23
[20] Muslim, Zakat, 68
[21] Luqman/19
[22] Abu Dawud, Adab, 94
[23] Ibn Majah, Zuhd, 15
[24] Al- Humazah/1
[25] Muslim, Birr 68; Tirmidhi, Birr 51