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HomeCritical QuestionsIs There Any Confession in Islam?

Is There Any Confession in Islam?

The “confession” process, which is practiced as a ritual in some other religions, is absent in Islam. According to Islam, even if every person commits minor or major sins, it is not necessary for an authorized clergyman to confess them and as a result pay penalty to be cleansed of his sins.

How can human sins be cleaned?

According to Islam, purification of sins takes place with a sincere repentance, voluntary renunciation of all kinds of evil and the determination not to return. Announcing this decision to Allah through prayer is called “repentance”. The prayer of forgiveness of sins is called “istigfar”. Neither repentance nor forgiveness has stereotyped or special places for them [1]. Mankind presents his condition and wishes to Allah with this intention. Sins and the intention of a person remain hidden between the person and Allah.

Asking Allah’s forgiveness is recommended many times in the Qur’an [2] Allah will forgive the sins of humankind no matter how many sins he did if a person turns to Allah and has the intention to abandon them [3]. There are many names that express Allah’s forgiveness which are mentioned both in Holy Quran and Prophet Muhammed’s(Peace and Blessing be upon him) Hadiths. The one who forgives sins (al-Gafur), forgives sins repeatedly (al-Ghaffar), covers faults (al-Settar) and accepts repentance (et-Tawwab).

Will the previous sins of the person who decides to become a Muslim be forgiven?

Along with repentance and forgiveness, it is mentioned in the Quran that good deeds outweigh past sins [4] Choosing to become a Muslim is a good decision; as good deeds eliminate all his sins before the person choose to become a Muslim.[5]

Can one pray for the forgiveness of another person’s sins?

Along with all these, a Muslim can also pray for the forgiveness of sins of other people, whether they are relative or not, even alive, or dead.


1. In Islam, there is no “confession” ritual applied to a clergyman as a confession of his/her sins.

2. According to Islam, repentance is accomplished through praying to Allah and begging for forgiveness.

3. Allah provides unending mercy for His followers who turn to Him, regardless of how many sins a person may have.

4. A person’s good deeds also result in the eradication of his previous sins. 5. A Muslim can also pray to Allah for the forgiveness of another individual.

[1] Most of the expressions of repentance and forgiveness in the Qur’an and hadiths are in the form of prayer and supplication.
[2] “As for those who repent, mend their ways, and let the truth be known, they are the ones to whom I will turn ˹in forgiveness˺, for I am the Accepter of Repentance, Most Merciful. “(AlBaqarah 2/160)
“Turn to your Lord ˹in repentance˺, and ˹fully˺ submit to Him before the punishment reaches you, ˹for˺ then you will not be helped.” (Az-Zumar 39/54)
“Whoever commits evil or wrongs themselves then seeks Allah’s forgiveness will certainly find Allah All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (An-Nisa 4/110)
“And seek your Lord’s forgiveness and turn to Him in repentance. He will grant you a good provision for an appointed term and graciously reward the doers of good. But if you turn away, then I truly fear for you the torment of a formidable Day.” (Hud, 11/3)
[3] ˹They are˺ those who, upon committing an evil deed or wronging themselves, remember Allah and seek forgiveness and do not knowingly persist in sin—and who forgives sins except Allah?” (Ali’Imran, 3/135)
“Believers should not take disbelievers as guardians instead of the believers—and whoever does so will have nothing to hope for from Allah—unless it is a precaution against their tyranny. And Allah warns you about Himself. And to Allah is the final return.” (Al-Baqarah, 2/27)
“As for those who repent before you seize them, then know that Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Al-Ma’idah, 5/34)
[4] “Establish prayer ˹O Prophet˺ at both ends of the day and in the early part of the night. Surely good deeds wipe out evil deeds. That is a reminder for the mindful. And be patient! Certainly Allah does not discount the reward of the good-doers. ” (Hud, 11/114-115)
[5] “As for those who repent, believe, and do good deeds, they are the ones whose evil deeds Allah will change into good deeds. For Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Al-Furqan,25/70)


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