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HomeCritical QuestionsWhat Is The Situation Of Children Who Died According To İslam?

What Is The Situation Of Children Who Died According To İslam?

Do a child go to heaven when it dies?

According to Islam every child is born with a fitra.[1][2] When a child is died, it is believed that since he has not reached puberty yet and his religious obligations have not begun, he will be considered sinless and clean and will go to heaven in the eternal life (the hereafter).

Where do non-Muslim children go when they die?

The destiny of children whose parents are not Muslim is the same as well. The prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessing be upon him) said that he saw Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) – surrounded by the children of all people – in Paradise, and those there (The Companions of Prophet Muhammad) said: “O Allah’s Messenger (PBUH)! What about the children of pagans?” The Prophet (PBUH) replied, “And also the children of pagans.” to the question of whether the children of the pagans (of those who associate partners with Allah) are in Paradise, too.[3]”

Since the Dunya (the temporal world) is a place with an end to life, children cannot remain children all the time. But the hereafter is eternal.[4] The children and youth of Paradise will always remain children and youth there as there won’t be characteristics such as growth or aging.[5]

The Situations of parents who lost their child

A parent who has lost a child longs for Allah’s approval and to go to heaven in the hope of reuniting with the child. This situation encourages them to know Allah and to obey His orders and prohibitions. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) replied for parents in this situation; “A Muslim whose three children die before the age of puberty will be granted Paradise by Allah due to his mercy for them.” he said, “Is it the same for both of his children?” He replied, “Yes” to anyone who asked him.[6]

What Did Muhammad (PBUH) do when his child died?

Islam encourages patience in the face of a difficult situation.[7] Knowing that every judgment comes from Allah [8], it is recommended to avoid rebellion for the misfortunes that befell him.[9] The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) witnessed the death of many of his sons and taught Muslims what to do and what not to do in such a situation. For example, when his son İbrahim passed away at the age of one and a half, he could not hold back his tears as a father; He strictly forbade after the dead, shouting, and wailing. He gave the following answer to those who were surprised that he cried at the death of his son; ” This is mercy. The eyes are shedding tears and the heart is grieved, and we will not say except what pleases our Lord, O Ibrahim! Indeed we are grieved by your separation.”[10]

A Great Example for Parents Who Have Lost Their Child

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, one of the Islamic scholars; He linked the life of this world to life in prison and explained that the deceased child attained the life of heaven, the place of salvation and eternal happiness, with the following example: “Once, a man was in a dungeon. A cute child was sent to him. That helpless prisoner was both grieving for himself and regretting that he could not provide for his child’s comfort. Then the merciful judge sends a man to him, saying: “This child is your child, but he is also my nation. I’ll take him, feed him in a beautiful palace.” That man cries, laments, “I will not give my son, who is my consolation.” says. His friends say to him: “Your sadness is meaningless. If you feel sorry for the child, instead of this troubled prison life; He will go to a spacious, blissful palace. If you feel sorry for yourself; If the child stays here, there is a temporary benefit, but there is difficulty and a lot of trouble for the child. If he goes there, he will benefit you a thousand times. Because it causes the sultan’s mercy to attract, it becomes your savior. The Sultan will want to make him meet with you. Of course, he will not send him to prison to meet, maybe he will take you out of prison and send you to that palace, to have you meet with the child. Provided that you have trust and devotion to the sultan…” [11] This example of Nursi comprehensively expresses the Islamic approach to the situation of deceased children.

Finally, Islam gives the good news that a person who has lost a child can be reunited with him. It promises a reunion in Paradise, never to be separated, to those who do not rebel in the moment of pain, experience sadness with patience, and take a stance in accordance with the verse “We are the servants of Allah, and we will return to Him in the end.”[13]


1. According to Islam, all children who die before reaching puberty are sent to Paradise.

2. This also applies to children whose parents are not Muslims.

3. The children of Paradise will also be present in Paradise as children, making their parents feel the joy of children.

4. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Prophet of Islam, too lost his children at an early age, and he guided people on how to deal with such a difficult situation.

5. Parents whose children are taken in at an early age will receive special rewards and be reunited for eternal union after a short time in this world if they are patient.

[1] Fıtrat: An innate feature. In the verse, it is emphasized that people were created with a characteristic that is suitable for monotheistic belief, by commanding “So be steadfast in faith in all uprightness ˹O Prophet˺—the natural Way of Allah which He has instilled in ˹all˺ people. Let there be no change in this creation of Allah. That is the Straight Way, but most people do not know.”(Ar-Rum,30) In other words, according to the Islamic belief, every human being is born as a Muslim.
[2] Al-Bukhari, Tafsir, (Ar-Rum,2); M6755 Muslim, Kader,22
[3] The Book of Prayer – Funerals,93, Tabir, 48; look at Al-Nawawi, Sherh Al-Muslim
[4] Al-M’minun,39
[5] Al-Insan,19; Al-Waqi’ah,17-18
[6] Al-Bukhari, The Book of Prayer – Funerals,6,91; Muslim, Birr,153
[7] Az-Zumar,10
[8] Al-M’minun,12
[9] Al-Bukhari, The Book of Prayer – Funerals, 31
[10] Al-Bukhari, The Book of Prayer – Funerals, 43
[11] Bediuzzaman Said Nursi/Maktubat/ 17th Edition
[12] Al-Baqarah, 2/155-156
[13] Al-Ma’idah, 119; Al-Ahzab,65


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