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HomeDiğer PeygamberlerWhy Do Muslims Believe In All Prophets?

Why Do Muslims Believe In All Prophets?

The principles of belief are the basis of the religion of Islam, as Hz. Muhammad (PBUH) listed it with the words “Belief in Allah, His angels, His books, His prophets and the Last Day, and also to believe in destiny (Qadar), its good and its evil.” [1] Therefore, it has not been referred “prophet” with a singular expression, but it has been stated that believing in all prophets by saying “prophets” is a requirement of Islam.

The history of humanity began with the Prophet Adam. In every period, envoys were sent inviting societies to obey Allah’s orders and prohibitions, and these envoys were chosen from among people. [2] Allah has sent similar rules in every period regarding the principles of belief and fundamental worship. However, according to the curiosity and interest of the societies, the prophets were taught different methods of conveying (religious narration) and miracles were given.

In the Qur’an, 25 names of the prophets are mentioned. As Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) reported, many prophets were sent other than those mentioned in the Qur’an, and humanity was not left unattended. [3] The stories of the prophets form a vital part of the Qur’an. Telling these tales is not just a transfer of historical events; therefore, people living in every period need lessons and lessons to be learned from the stories of the prophets.[4]

In addition, Muslims who read the lives of the prophets in the Qur’an remember the previous prophets with respect and take them as an example and include them in their prayers.

Each Prophet has different unique characteristics. Each of them has been going through very diverse tests. For example, Hz. Ayyub (a.s) tested with illness [5], Hz. Solomon (a.s) with wealth [6], Hz. Abraham (a.s) was tested by his surrender [7]. The prophets, who went through various tests in many other subjects, set an example for their own ummah and the next ummahs.

In the lives of these prophets, it is possible to see what kind of attitude will be displayed for the people who come after them in the face of tests.

Speaking of other prophets, Hz. Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Our ancestors are brothers from one, separate parents. Our religion is one.” [8] He also explained the bond between the prophets with the following example; “The example of me and the other prophets before me is like this man: The man built a perfect and beautiful house, only an adobe place was left empty in one of its corners. The public starts to wander around the house in admiration and (seeing that lack) says, “Will not this missing adobe be put in?”. This adobe is here; I am the last of the prophets.” [9]


[1] Bukhari, Iman 1; Muslim, Iman1
[2] Al- A’raaf/35
[3] Nahl/36, Faatir/24, Ahmed b. Hanbal, al-Musnad 5/265-266
[4] Yusuf/7, Ankaboot/24
[5] Al-Anbiyaa/ 83
[6] Saad/30-40
[7] Baqara/124
[8] Bukhari, Anbiyaa, 48
[9] Bukhari, Menakib 18; Muslim, Fedail 21


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